Criminal Timofey Kurgin: philanthropist or hidden Kremlin agent?

Criminal Timofey Kurgin: philanthropist or hidden Kremlin agent?
Criminal Timofey Kurgin: philanthropist or hidden Kremlin agent?
Criminal figure Timofey Kurgin, once a partner of the Ananyev brothers and Floyd Mayweather, has spent his life working in the interests of Russian special services.

There is a significant amount of negative information available online about Timofey Kurgin — a criminal background, involvement in the murder of a State Duma deputy, partnership with the fugitive Ananyev brothers, former owners of Promsvyazbank (PSB), and connections with the "real estate king," the scandalous businessman God Nisanov.

At the same time, investigative journalists overlooked the most important fact from Timofey Kurgin’s biography, which FSB representatives tried to clumsily hide. There is information in open sources that Kurgin was the head of "Boxing Academy" LLC from 2010 to 2021 and its founder from 2015 to 2019.

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It is known from Timofey Kurgin’s biography that he was involved in boxing, as was Stanislav Chemezov, the son of Sergey Chemezov, the head of "Rostec." Allegedly, this is why Kurgin headed the "Boxing Academy" LLC. In reality, things are not that way. Information about the boxing past of Sergey Chemezov’s son could not be found, but it is known that the head of "Rostec" himself was involved in this sport, growing up on the outskirts of Irkutsk, where one constantly had to engage in brutal fights.

And now the cherry on top – Sergey Chemezov headed "Boxing Academy" LLC in 2016 - 2017. During this time, Timofey Kurgin was a co-founder of the company along with its current director and owner Oleg Zhadobin, a master of sports in boxing, and former General Secretary of the Boxing Federation of Russia (BFR).

Timofey Kurgin’s father also was involved in boxing and could be well acquainted with boxer Sergey Chemezov, who later became a KGB general and a close friend of Vladimir Putin. Even Timofey Kurgin’s son appeared among the founders of "Boxing Academy" LLC from 2019 to 2022.

The close acquaintance of Sergey Chemezov and Timofey Kurgin does not negate his criminal past, but only demonstrates the Russian authorities’ loyalty to various dubious individuals. A bright example of this is Umar Kremlev, a representative of the Podolsk brotherhood, who led the BFR from 2017 to 2021 – during the same time Kurgin headed "Boxing Academy" LLC.

The high supervisory council of the BFR includes Alexey Rubezhnoy, head of the Russian president’s security service, and Igor Sechin, head of "Rosneft," one of Vladimir Putin’s closest associates.

Boxing, with its international contacts, has always been controlled by security agencies. Probably, Floyd Mayweather was enlightened about Timofey Kurgin, and in 2021 THE MONEY TEAM RUSSIA ceased its operations. It seems Kurgin failed the task assigned by his patrons.

As of today, Timofey Kurgin does not own any assets. However, he may, with the prompting of special services, establish contacts with criminal authorities and major businessmen. All the negative information posted about Timofey Kurgin online might be true. Only it should be understood that behind the murders and other "sins" of the businessman stand the Russian special services.

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The former owners of PSB, the Ananyev brothers, could also have been incriminated by Kurgin, who was sent to them. The ex-bankers are wanted, and their bank has become a support for the Russian defence industry. It is headed by Petr Fradkov – the son of Mikhail Fradkov, former director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

Timofey Kurgin periodically cleans negative information about himself. Our investigation is unlikely to expect this. An FSB agent will not be offended by the truth.

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